Choir History
Early picture of the Choir taken around 1970
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The Choir was formed when eight members of the WI met in a members house to sing under the leadership of Muriel Streeter. In 1970, expanding membership made it necessary to move to the old school hall, which subsequently became the first Community Centre.

In 1971 Jean Cole became conductor and by 1981, the Choir had a membership of 20 ladies. Throughout this period the Choir sang under the wing of the WI and took part in various WI competitions and local festivals.

In 1981, Janet Brown took over conducting and Jean became the accompanist.

In 1986, the Choir was reconstituted as an independent body in order to attract new members outside the WI.

This happy partnership continued until Janet's untimely death from cancer in November 1999 aged 51. Jean once more took over the conducting until her retirement in June 2024.

Kathleen Shuster is our current Musical Director, taking up the baton in September 2024.

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Page created August 2008 © Crawley Down Ladies Choir