A Selection of Music Performed at Recent Concerts
Click on the items marked "thus" to play a short snippet of the music.
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Christmas Music

Who Would Imagine a King
Mary Did You Know
Let it Snow
Carol of the Children
Brightest and Best
Away in a Manger
Myn Lyking
Whence is that Goodly Fragrance
Silent Night
So Gentle the Donkey
Shepherds Farewell
Quem Pastores
Fum, Fum, Fum
The Holly and the Ivy
The Holy Boy
When a Child is Born
The Little Drummer Boy
Candlelight Carol
Just Another Star
Do You Hear What I Hear?
The Angel Gabriel
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Merry Christmas
Deck the Halls
Sing Lullaby
Christmas Dance of the Shepherds
Stars Watch High
The Little Road to Bethlehem
The Earl of Salisbury's Carol
Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day
The Cowboy Carol
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Scots Nativity
Stable Carol
Angels' Carol
Red and Green Christmas

Other Music

Country Gardens
Brother James's Air
Joshua Fight the Battle of Jerico
My Lord What a Morning
The Kerry Dance
I Know Where I'm Going
Look at the World
Jonah-Man Jazz
Cantique de Jean Racine
Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Benedictus - The Armed Man
My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land
I Will Sing With a Spirit
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Jesu Word of God Incarnate
An Eriskay Love Lilt
Sweet Afton Water
I Wonder When I Shall be Married
Nobody Knows
Hand Me Down My Silver Trumpet
The Gas Man Cometh
Can You Hear Me?
Bessie the Black Cat
The Lord is My Shepherd
Someone to Watch Over Me
O Waly Waly
You are so Beautiful
Ave Maria
Fields of Gold
Blow the Wind Southerly
Ma Bonny Lad and the Keel Row
It's a Grand Night for Singing
Panis Angelicus
The Londonderry Air
Thank You for the Music
Page updated Decemeber 2011© Crawley Down Ladies Choir