For Pictures of our 40th Anniversary Concert, Please click
This is a picture of the Haven Centre in Crawley Down where the choir rehearses and where they perform their twice-yearly concerts. The Haven Centre is in Hophust Lane, Crawley Down and is the Village Community Centre. Visit their website by clicking
here for full details of the facilities available there.
This is the earliest picture we can find of the Choir. It is dated April 1970 and shows them performing at an over 60s event at the Crawley Down Village Hall.
Pictured from L to R are: Kathy Cairns, Gladys Rood, Vera Streeter, Joy Norris, Anne Whiter, Mary Jones and Shirley Spalding. In front of Shirley is Linda Jones, Mary's daughter. Muriel Streeter is the conductor with Jane Gullifer at the piano.
This early picture of the choir was taken in May 1971 and is believed to be in the Crawley Down Village Hall. They were entertaining at an Evening WI Cheese and Wine party.
Those members pictured are from L to R - back row:
Iris Clayton, Carol Jacobs, Linda Minnings, Evelyn Barnard, Joy Norris, Min Pelling, Joyce Pelling.
Front row: ??? Ranger, Kathy Cairns, Jean Cole, The MD Muriel Streeter, the accompanist Jane Gullifer.
The picture on the right is of the Choir rehearsing in the Oak Room at the Haven Centre, Crawley Down in May 2000. Jean is conducting on the left. At that time, the Choir were seeking a permanent accompanist as Jean was acting in a dual role during rehearsals, although she managed to get the services of a superb accompanist for the concerts. The picture was taken by the East Grinstead Observer newspaper, who ran an article about the Choir. Unfortunately, until now, no permanent accompanist has been forthcoming.
This picture was taken in June 1994 outside All Saints' Church, Crawley Down. The Choir were singing at the wedding of Jean's daughter Mandy, hence Jean is not in the picture. The lady in the centre of the front row is the late Janet Brown, who was the Musical Director of the Choir at that time.
The Choir singing at the "Music at the Grange" event held on14th July in aid of St. Catherines Hospice
More of the Choir at the Grange
Grange pictures by Mike Cole
Choir Zoom "Christmas Mini Concert" 14th December 2020
Christmas Concert, 13th December 2021 at the Haven Centre, Crawley Down. Our first concert since 2019.